Head of the Coastal Ecosystems Team
Thesis director/co-director: Briac Monnier
Abstract: Recruited in 1991 at the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli, after 10 years of research at the Aix-Marseille II University, Gérard Pergent created the Coastal Ecosystems Team in 1993 and manages a reserach group University of Corsica/French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer) from 2002 to 2006. He became responsible for the Coastal Ecosystems Team and the "Global Change" action within the Research Federation Environment and Society 3041 (Fédération de Recherche Environnement et Société 3041) and works mainly on the functioning of coastal ecosystems based on marine magnoliophytes and their resilience towards global changes.
PhD - "Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches"
Head of the Master "Integrated Management of Coastline and Ecosystems"
Thesis director/Co-director: Ramzi Bchir, Audrey Valette, Aicha Bouredji
Abstract: After several years at the GIS Posidonie in Marseilles, Christine Pergent-Martini joined the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli in 1996. She was head of the Coastal Ecosystems Team from 1999 to 2006 and was seconded from 2006 to 2009, as scientific director of RAC/SPA (United Nations Environment Program). In 2009, Christine Pergent-Martini became head of the Master "Integrated Management of Coastline and Ecosystems". Today, she is concerned with the response of coastal ecosystems, anthropogenic disturbances and also the management of marine biodiversity (Marine Protected Areas, conservation action plans).
PhD Student since 2013 in co-supervision
Director: PhD Habib Langar - University of Tunis - El Manar
Co-director : PhD Christine Pergent-Martini - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (UCPP)
Abstract: In Mediterranean, climate change affects the distribution and functioning of coastal benthic ecosystems and in particular marine ecosystems based on marine magnoliophytes. In several areas of the Mediterranean, Cymodocea nodosa, a thermophilic species, appears to benefit from the regression of Posidonia oceanica meadows and could ultimately replace the latter. Thus, the approach envisaged is to study the role of these Cymodocea nodosa beds in the mechanisms of carbon fixation (primary production) and to compare the functioning of seagrass beds on the Tunisian coast with those of the Corsican coast. The objective of this thesis is therefore to better understand the characteristics of the different populations of the Tunisian coast, from the morphological (shape of apex, presence and absence of teeth, shape of the seeds), anatomical point of view (numbers of veins), primary production and genetic variability.
PhD Student since 2014
Director : PhD Christine Pergent-Martini - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (UCPP)
Abstract: Mediterranean coastal ecosystems are increasingly subject to the pressures of climate change. It is important to assess their capacity for resilience / adaptation and to observe the potential consequences of this change on their ability to fix and sequester carbon (blue carbon) in order to mitigate his effetc. This approach will be tested at the level of the greatest meadow on the Corsican coast (Natura 2000 area FR9402014 - "Grand Herbier de la Plaine orientale"). The Audrey Valette-Sansevin's work is part of the CHANGE research program, which aims to study the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean coast.
PhD Student since 2015 in co-direction
Director: PhD Pascal Oberti - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (UCPP)
Co-director: PhD Christine Pergent-Martini - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (UCPP)
Abstract: The main purpose of this thesis project is to implement a scientific evaluating method of the results attributable to the achievements (products and services with beneficiaries) of complex operations (interventions with multiple consequences included in all or part of the sustainable development dimensions) of a management plan for a protected area; with an application to the natural reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio. This methodology should lead to conclusions that can be interpreted by the manager in order to clarify his or her decision and to provide lessons for the preparation of a management planning document so that it can be assessed both on and off the road.
PhD Student since 2016 in co-direction
Directeur : Professor Gérard Pergent - University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli (UCPP)
Co-directeur : PhD Miguel Angel Mateo - Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CEAB)
Abstract: In the Mediterranean, Posidonia oceanica meadows play a major role in mitigating climate change. These Mediterranean coastal ecosystems store large quantities of blue carbon for a long period of time (several millenniums) within the matte (bioformation formed by rhizomes and roots clogged by sediment and debris from the meadow). With particularly extensive Posidonia oceanica meadows (over 50,000 ha), Corsica appears as a major carbon sink. The objective of this thesis is to quantify the stocks of carbon sequestered within this sink, to study its temporal dynamics, its contribution to the carbon balance of Corsica and in the mitigation of climate change. This approach will be tested at the level of the greatest meadow on the coast of Corsica (site Natura 2000 FR9402014 - "Grand Herbier de la Plaine orientale"). The Briac Monnier's work is part of the CHANGE research program, which aims to study the impacts of climate change on the Mediterranean coast.